CADC Target Name Resolver
The CADC Target Name Resolver is a simple web application that services HTTP GET requests to resolve astronomical object names to RA and DEC coordinates. Name Resolver concurrently queries one or more services to resolve the object name, returning the first positive result. The services queried are:
Service | Description |
NED | The NASA/IPAC ExtraGalactic Database at the California Institute of Technology (CalTech). |
Simbad | The SIMBAD Astronomical Database at the Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS). |
VizieR | The VizieR service at CDS. |
HTTP GET parameters
Parameter | Required? | Value | Description |
target | Yes | [object name] | The object name to resolve. |
service | No |
all (default) ned simbad vizier |
Multiple query parameters accepted (e.g. service=ned&service=vizier). all - queries the NED, Simbad, and VizieR services concurrently. ned - queries the NED service at CalTech. simbad - queries the SIMBAD service at CDS. vizier - queries the VizieR services at CDS. |
format | No |
ascii (default) json |
ascii - return results in ASCII format. json - return results in JSON format. |
cached | No |
yes (default) no |
yes - return previous cached object coordinates. no - query services for object coordinates. |
detail | No |
min (default) max |
min - default fields: target: the target name to resolve. service: the service that resolved the object. coordsys: the coordinates system, always ICRS. ra: the right ascension of the object in degrees. dec: the declination of the object in degrees. time: time in milliseconds to resolve the object. max - default with following additional fields: oname: the service preferred object name. otype: the object type code. mtype: the object morphology type. |
- Query for target m31 using default parameters in ASCII
target=m31 service=ned( coordsys=ICRS ra=10.684799 dec=41.269076 time(ms)=1
- Query for target m31 using optional parameters: service = SIMBAD, cached = do not return cached coordinates, detail = maximum, results = JSON
Results:{"target":"m31","service":"Simbad(","coordsys":"ICRS","ra":10.684708,"dec":41.26875,"oname":"M 31","otype":"AGN","mtype":"SA(s)b","time":1775}